This year I was given the opportunity to help facilitate a conference called RISE which was focused around the 7-habits of highly effective people. There was a main facilitator who taught the rest of us exactly what the 7-habits were and how we can apply them to our everyday lives to become better leaders and…


CGL145 was a huge launching point for me. I really have never learned as much in a course as I was able to in this discussion based class. The class alternated between lecture and discussion style class formats. One day a week we were placed in dialogue groups to have deeper discussions on readings, articles,…

Junior Year

I think a lot of my greatest lessons of this year came out of the opportunities I was afforded. I found myself more as a professional, and as a leader than I ever have before through my involvements, and the people I was surrounded by. Below is a list of the most impactful to me…

Leadership Launch 2018

After spending about a week completely processing everything rushing through my brain I’ve decided the best way to completely compile my thoughts on Special Olympic’s Leadership Launch this year would be to compile a little blog post. Throwing it back to my junior year in high school, I was introduced to a program formerly known…

ICRH and Servant Leadership

As a part of the Leader Advancement Scholar program we are taking classes towards earning a leadership minor at Central Michigan University. One class we are expected to take is Introduction to Leadership Theories. In this class we explore different approaches and theories of leadership that have been researched, some for many years, and some…

The Golden Circle

Simon Sinek’s idea of WHY is demonstrated in what he calls the Golden Circle, he states that at the center is WHY, then HOW, then WHAT. He explains that many people know what they do in life, some know how they do it, but very few know why they do what they do. He insists…

Selfless Service

We have all been there right? Those pictures from your service trip in Peru would make for a really great instagram post. It is easy to want to take your experiences and post them on social media to see all the work you have done; it is what our society is seemed to be shaped…

Leadership Symposium

This year is a year of many milestones for Central Michigan University, and more specifically, leadership at CMU. We celebrate 125 years as a university, 20 years with a Leadership Institute, now being changed to the Sarah R. Opperman Leadership Institute, and 25 years with the Mary Brandell Volunteer Center, to name a few. We…

President Ross Visit

Everyone has gone through their own struggles and come from different backgrounds. President Ross, when visiting our LDR100 class, emphasized this point. He shared some personal stories of the life he came from, and what it has meant to him to be able to make the most of the cards that were dealt. He encouraged…