Welcome home, Gabby!

Updated: It is crazy to reflect on the  process from first getting a mentor, to then the excitement of getting a mentee, to then a year of serving as a mentor to another LAS student. Gabby and I had such common high school experience, and she was entering college on such a similar path as…

A Year in Review

One year already complete. A lot has happened in this short amount of time on campus. I’ve grown as a leader, friend, individual, and professional. I’ve taken time to find what I really care about, surround myself with people who are important to me,  and join different organizations that inspire me. This year… I changed…

Mentor Workshop

Wow, this year has absolutely FLOWN by. I remember last year at this time anxiously awaiting on Twitter to see who my mentor was. She made a fake accountant to reveal herself to me after sending me on random, fun adventures. A year later Madison has helped me tremendously. I am pretty sure I spent…

Polar Plunge

This year, as a Leader Advancement Scholar, I was able to be a part of the Special Olympics Polar Plunge LEAD Team. This meant I was able to work with outer LAS students to fundraise money to send athletes to the Special Olympics Summer Games. We raised money by creating pages for our friends and…

The Golden Circle

Simon Sinek’s idea of WHY is demonstrated in what he calls the Golden Circle, he states that at the center is WHY, then HOW, then WHAT. He explains that many people know what they do in life, some know how they do it, but very few know why they do what they do. He insists…

To my roommate

Almost exactly a year ago we found out we received the Centralis Scholarship. As exciting this was, it came with a lot of nerves. For me, it meant not being able to room with someone I knew, and having comfort in that familiarity. I turned to the Schools App and hoped that I would meet…