This year I was given the opportunity to help facilitate a conference called RISE which was focused around the 7-habits of highly effective people. There was a main facilitator who taught the rest of us exactly what the 7-habits were and how we can apply them to our everyday lives to become better leaders and…

Junior Year

I think a lot of my greatest lessons of this year came out of the opportunities I was afforded. I found myself more as a professional, and as a leader than I ever have before through my involvements, and the people I was surrounded by. Below is a list of the most impactful to me…

A Year in Review

One year already complete. A lot has happened in this short amount of time on campus. I’ve grown as a leader, friend, individual, and professional. I’ve taken time to find what I really care about, surround myself with people who are important to me,  and join different organizations that inspire me. This year… I changed…

My Pal, Kristen

I have ADORED Kristen in my LAS cohort from the second I met her. She is such an independent, strong-willed, and kind soul. I have watched her grow so much this year through so much adversity and I am incredibly proud to call her a friend. Unfortunately we haven’t gotten a chance to really sit…

How Far I’ve Come–Freshman Year

This week in our LDR200 class we were asked to reflect on how far we have come now that our first year of college is coming to a close. When spitting my thoughts onto paper I couldn’t help but think I really haven’t achieved that much as a leader this year. It was a really…