One of the course for the Event Management minors is an Event Production class which is a Service Learning course. We start with a zero-base budget and are asked to make up a new event from scratch. Any profits that are made are expected to be donated to a charity of the groups choosing. For…


CGL145 was a huge launching point for me. I really have never learned as much in a course as I was able to in this discussion based class. The class alternated between lecture and discussion style class formats. One day a week we were placed in dialogue groups to have deeper discussions on readings, articles,…

Junior Year

I think a lot of my greatest lessons of this year came out of the opportunities I was afforded. I found myself more as a professional, and as a leader than I ever have before through my involvements, and the people I was surrounded by. Below is a list of the most impactful to me…

Welcome home, Gabby!

Updated: It is crazy to reflect on the  process from first getting a mentor, to then the excitement of getting a mentee, to then a year of serving as a mentor to another LAS student. Gabby and I had such common high school experience, and she was entering college on such a similar path as…

A Year in Review

One year already complete. A lot has happened in this short amount of time on campus. I’ve grown as a leader, friend, individual, and professional. I’ve taken time to find what I really care about, surround myself with people who are important to me,  and join different organizations that inspire me. This year… I changed…

Mentor Workshop

Wow, this year has absolutely FLOWN by. I remember last year at this time anxiously awaiting on Twitter to see who my mentor was. She made a fake accountant to reveal herself to me after sending me on random, fun adventures. A year later Madison has helped me tremendously. I am pretty sure I spent…

My Pal, Kristen

I have ADORED Kristen in my LAS cohort from the second I met her. She is such an independent, strong-willed, and kind soul. I have watched her grow so much this year through so much adversity and I am incredibly proud to call her a friend. Unfortunately we haven’t gotten a chance to really sit…

Selfless Service

We have all been there right? Those pictures from your service trip in Peru would make for a really great instagram post. It is easy to want to take your experiences and post them on social media to see all the work you have done; it is what our society is seemed to be shaped…