a letter during a pandemic

History is the greatest learning tool we have. The more we can learn from mistakes of generations before us, the better off we can be. I hope that we can factually inform the incoming generations of all we did wrong (and right) before, and during the Covid-19 pandemic to better equip them for hardship or…

Junior Year

I think a lot of my greatest lessons of this year came out of the opportunities I was afforded. I found myself more as a professional, and as a leader than I ever have before through my involvements, and the people I was surrounded by. Below is a list of the most impactful to me…

ICRH and Servant Leadership

As a part of the Leader Advancement Scholar program we are taking classes towards earning a leadership minor at Central Michigan University. One class we are expected to take is Introduction to Leadership Theories. In this class we explore different approaches and theories of leadership that have been researched, some for many years, and some…

A Year in Review

One year already complete. A lot has happened in this short amount of time on campus. I’ve grown as a leader, friend, individual, and professional. I’ve taken time to find what I really care about, surround myself with people who are important to me,  and join different organizations that inspire me. This year… I changed…

How Far I’ve Come–Freshman Year

This week in our LDR200 class we were asked to reflect on how far we have come now that our first year of college is coming to a close. When spitting my thoughts onto paper I couldn’t help but think I really haven’t achieved that much as a leader this year. It was a really…

Selfless Service

We have all been there right? Those pictures from your service trip in Peru would make for a really great instagram post. It is easy to want to take your experiences and post them on social media to see all the work you have done; it is what our society is seemed to be shaped…

Spark Leadership Series

The Spark Leadership series is a three part event that is held for two hours every other week. When I walked into Spark the first night it was really the first CMU leadership event I have walked into besides Safari so I really wasn’t sure what to expect. I had heard so much about the…